When Death Dictates Life: Poetics and Politics of Death in the Web series Death’s Game


  • Sreedevi N S Sree Sankara College Kalady Author
  • Dr Lima Antony St. Xavier’s College for Women (Autonomous), Aluva. Author


Death's Game is a South Korean fantasy mystery thriller web series written and directed by Ha Byung-hoon that premiered on December 15, 2023, and is available for streaming on Amazon Prime Video. The series produced by SLL, Studio N consists of 8 episodes and features a blend of drama and fantasy elements. The storyline follows Choi Yee-jae, a young man who commits suicide after enduring years of unemployment and despair but is confronted by Death. Due to his indifference to life and the trivialization of death, he is tasked by Death with navigating twelve different lives and deaths, with the potential to earn a fresh start if he manages to survive in one of those reincarnations. The series delves into themes of reincarnation, the value of existence, and the repercussions of choices. The paper intertwines classical mythological interpretations of Thanatos with Achille Mbembe's contemporary theoretical framework of necropolitics to scrutinize the character of Death and its deviation from traditional representations in mythology and literature. Furthermore, it delves into cultural attitudes toward life and death and how societal structures dictate the value of individual lives. By integrating thanatology into the analysis, the paper illustrates how Death's Game reflects broader societal concerns surrounding mortality and the human experience, serving as a stark commentary on the challenges of contemporary life.

Author Biographies

  • Sreedevi N S, Sree Sankara College Kalady

    Sreedevi N S
    Assistant Professor of English
    Sree Sankara College Kalady
    Pin : 683574
    Part Time Research Scholar
    St. Xavier’s College for Women (Autonomous) Aluva 
    Pin: 683101
    Email: ns.sreedevi@gmail.com
    Ph: +91 8281694729
    Orcid ID 0009-0005-3290-2572

  • Dr Lima Antony, St. Xavier’s College for Women (Autonomous), Aluva.

    Dr Lima Antony
    Associate Professor and Research Guide
    Postgraduate Department of English and Research Centre
    St. Xavier’s College for Women (Autonomous) Aluva 
    Pin: 683101
    Ph: +91 9446552360
    Email: limaantony@stxaviersaluva.ac.in
    ORCID: 0000-0001-6077-4890


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Chatterjee, A. (2024, February 23). Death’s Game: Reflections on love, loss, and redemption in an unforgettable narrative. EastMojo; EastMojo. http://www.eastmojo.com/entertainment/2024/02/23/deaths-game-reflections-on-love-loss-redemption-in-an-unforgettable-narrative

Hartford, C. (2023, December 21). REVIEW: “Death’s Game” Explores The Meaning Of Life Through Death. But Why Tho?; But Why Tho? http://butwhytho.net/2023/12/deaths-game-kdrama-

Hemenway, M., & Bruce, A. (2023, September 27). 10 Best K-Drama Grim Reapers, Ranked. ScreenRant; Screen Rant. https://screenrant.com/best-k-drama-grim-reaper-shows/

Kundu, T. (2024, January 8). Death’s Game Season 1: How Many Episodes & When Do New Episodes Come Out? ComingSoon.net - Movie Trailers, TV & Streaming News, and More. https://www.comingsoon.net/guides/news/1471976-deaths-game-season-1-how-many-episodes-when-do-new-episodes-come-out

Lovepark. (2024, January 8). Death’s Game: Episodes 5-8 (Final)» Dramabeans Kdrama. Dramabeans. https://www.dramabeans.com/2024/01/deaths-game-episodes-5-8-final/

Mbembe, A. (2003). Necropolitics. Public Culture, 15(1), 11–40. https://doi.org/10.1215/08992363-15-1-11

Misha, R. R. (2024, January 7). “Death’s Game”: Exploration of redemption in depths of despair. The Daily Star. https://www.thedailystar.net/entertainment/tv-film/news/deaths-game-exploration-redemption-depths-despair-3513461

Prime Video: Death’s Game. www.primevideo.com/detail/Deaths-Game/0ST2GP2VV9J9AKW7YJ6PZ67UYN.

Tauseef, K. (2021, November 16). Thanatos: The Beautiful Reaper of Death in Greek Mythology. Ancient Origins Reconstructing the Story of Humanity’s Past. https://www.ancient-origins.net/myths-legends-europe/thanatos-0016076

Wikipedia Contributors. (2024, August 30). Death’s Game. Wikipedia; Wikimedia Foundation. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Death%27s_Game

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