Statement of Publication Ethics
Duties of the Chief Editor.
To conduct overall supervision.
To act as mediator between ministry and academy.
Appellant authority of the journal.
Duties of Publication Desk
The publication Desk Consists of Chief Editor, Editor, Associate Editor and Publisher.
To ensure Articles received has completed plagiarism check, First review report of Editor/Associate Editor and final peer review report of the Reviewer(s)/Referee(s)
Duties of the Editor
Prepare editorial notes based on the themes of the articles included in each issue expressing the stance of the journal.
Editor/Associate Editor conducts the first review before the manuscripts send for peer review without prejudices of race, sex, gender, religion citizenship and all other predilection of the author(s).
Duties of Associate Editor
Keep the confidentiality of articles submitted.
Check plagiarism and copy right infringement.
Associate Editor assists the Editor to conduct the first review before the manuscripts send for peer review without prejudices of race, sex, gender, religion citizenship and all other predilection of the author(s).
TO forward the article(s) recommended by the Reviewers to publication desk.
TO convey the review report to the author(s).
In charge of all kinds of correspondence between the journal and all others connected with the journal.
To carry out the duties of the Editor in his/her absence/inconvenience.
Duties of Peer Reviewer:
Review the article(s) based on the criteria.
Scrutinize the relevance of the study
Check the research methodology
Examine the novelty of the topic presentation.
Evaluate the overall standard of the article.
Check grammar and usage of words and sentences.
Mention all types of errors in the refer opinion.
Add reviewer's comments at the end of review report.
Duties of Publisher
The secretary of the academy acts as the ex-officio publisher.
Allots funds for various activates related to the journal.
Conduct internal audit.