
Authorship gives recognition to an author's insights in the area of his/ her study and carries accountability. Authorship can be claimed by those individuals who have enriched the area of the study with his/her intellectual content. All authors are responsible for the contents and views expressed.
The first author should be that person who contributed most to the work, including writing of the manuscript. The sequence of the lead author depends on his/her contribution to the content of the manuscript. The first author should be responsible for the integrity of the content of the article. All correspondents related to the article should be with the first author. Letter of approval/affidavit of the manuscript from lead author should be furnished along with the article.
The co-author(s) should ensure that they contribute to the intellectual content of the article. Letter of approval/affidavit from the co-author should be attached with the article.
First and second author(s) should certify that the manuscript submitted is the result of original research work done by the author/authors, and the content of the article is not published either in full or partial anywhere other than this journal. 
Any alteration either in sequence of author(s) or name of author(s) will not be permitted after submission of the article.

Retraction will be issued if major errors like plagiarism, manipulated images or data, research without required ethical approvals, duplicate publication, evidence of a breach of editorial policies etc are found in the article(s). The decision will be taken in collaboration with editorial team of the journal ISHAL PAITHRKAM and Peer-reviewer(s). In rare and extreme cases involving legal infringement, the ISHAL PAITHRKAM may remove an article.

We publish corrections when necessary. Incase of corrections we try to contact the author of the original article and publish all corrections as soon as we can.

An erratum will be used if the author intimates the journal about the error within 45 days of its publication.

ISHAL PAITHRKAM notifies addenda for the reader's understanding of a Signiant part of the published contributions if the author omitted significant information available at the time in his/her article.

Special issue
The policy of the special issue is as same as in the case of regular issue. The topic of the special issue will be published on the website at the time of the call for article. In all other matters such as open access policy, Revenue Sources, author fees, statement of peer review policies, statement of publication ethics, duties of all team of ishal paithkam journal, duties of authors and authorship, the policy of the journal towards special and regular issue will remain the same. The editorial board of the regular and special issues will be the same.

Call for Article.
No deadline set for sending article to regular issue. Authors are free to submit their article any time. The review of the article received will be done on first come first basis. The date of submission and topic of the special issue will be given on the website. The submission only through our OJS platform. The submission button is active only in the first 5 calendar days of all months.