Beyond Urban Legends: Exploring Alterity in Fantasy through Tale of the Nine Tailed and Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938


  • Kairali K.K Sree Sankara College Author


Alterity, Fantasy, Myth, Television Series, Cultural Studies


Alterity, which refers to the state or quality of being different or other, is a philosophical and anthropological concept that explores the perception of "otherness" or the recognition of the difference between oneself and others. When applied to fantasy literature, alterity not only plays a crucial role in shaping the narratives, characters, and themes but also challenges stereotypes and prejudices by subverting traditional narratives. This paper explores the realm of fantasy through an in-depth exploration of alterity in the popular television series Tale of the Nine Tailed and Tale of the Nine Tailed 1938, moving beyond conventional urban legends. Alterity, the representation of otherness and difference, serves as a central thematic element in both series, offering a nuanced portrayal of mythical creatures and supernatural beings. Both series transcend traditional narratives by depicting alterity in complex and multifaceted ways, challenging societal norms, and fostering a deeper understanding of diverse identities. Through a comprehensive analysis of characters, bestiary, plotlines, and cultural contexts, the paper intends to shed light on the intricate interplay between fantasy, alterity, and contemporary storytelling. The paper also intends to provide insights into the evolving landscape of visual storytelling and its capacity to shape societal perceptions as both the series employ a range of visual elements to convey the nuances of otherness and difference, which in turn encourages viewers to reflect on their perceptions of identity and difference.

Author Biography

  • Kairali K.K, Sree Sankara College

    Kairali  K.K
    Part time Research Scholar & Assistant Professor
    Department of English
    Sree Sankara College Kalady
    Pin: 683574
    Ph: +91 9495229746
    ORCID: 0009-0003-1307-7963


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